
SARNAK members on searchSARNAK is always looking for new members who are interested in helping sick, lost or injured people in the backcountry.

We accept a Spring and Fall cohort. New member applications are due October 1st and April 1st each year.

Membership in SARNAK has several requirements, but comes with many benefits as well.

Membership Benefits:

  • Satisfaction in providing assistance to those who need it
  • Camaraderie in belonging to a group of caring and fit people
  • Members receive a SARNAK logo sticker and logo patch
  • Members are eligible for training reimbursements up to $350 annually
  • Members are eligible to receive fuel reimbursements for qualifying searches
  • Increased knowledge of the backcountry and survival skills

New Member Requirements:

To ensure professionalism, a positive team culture, and safety in the field while responding to incidents which can involve rescue, as well as recovery, SARNAK has the following requirements for new members:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Live in New York State
  • Be able to respond to an incident in the Tri-Lakes area within 2 hours, should you be available
  • Membership Application is open. Membership Application Link:
  • Pay initial dues and all other requested materials in the application
    • New member dues are $50 to cover new member kit, and drop to $25 annually after your first year.
  • Complete ICS 100 and 700 and include proof of successful completion with application
  • Provide proof of valid CPR and first aid certifications, and keep them current
  • Complete Basic Wildlands Search certification within one year of joining (held April or May each year)
  • Receive and review SARNAK by-laws and standard operating guidelines
  • Must be willing to work with others in strenuous conditions and inclement weather while promoting a positive team culture
  • Must be willing to complete any assigned role regardless of individual skills and honor chain of command
  • Applicants must attend three consecutive trainings, one of which must be a field exercise
  • Complete all other requirements listed on application
  • Please note that First Aid/CPR certifications may be acquired, and maintained, after joining SARNAK. Speak to the Coordinator, Training Officer or Secretary if there are any questions – but you must have a plan for how and when this will be completed.

Maintaining Membership:

To maintain a professional and cohesive team, with strong camaraderie, SARNAK has the following requirements to maintain active membership.

  • Pay annual dues, currently set at $25. This is payable annually at the March business meeting. Initial dues at time of membership application pays for the rest of the calendar year that you applied in as well as the first full calendar year after. For example, if you apply in June of 2025 and pay initial dues, your next dues are not due until March of 2027.
  • Complete Basic Wildlands Search certification within one year of joining (does not expire, held annually in April or May)
  • Attend six trainings annually
    • Annual membership meetings and weekend outings that include a SAR skill can count toward this requirement
    • Outside training can count toward training requirements, check with the training officer to determine eligibility
    • Training officer may add additional trainings as make-ups for members
  • Maintain active certification in CPR/First Aid
  • For members wishing to take part in wilderness rescues, the annual pack test must be completed
    • Arduous pack test: Walk three miles in 45 minutes while carrying 45 pounds
    • Moderate pack test: Walk two miles in 30 minutes while carrying 25 pounds

SARNAK incurs a variety of annual and one-time expenses ranging from mileage and medical training reimbursements for members to insurance payments and equipment purchases. Donations of any size are welcome and very much appreciated.

All donations of $10 or more will receive a thank-you letter and SARNAK logo sticker.

SARNAK is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Mail a check or money order to:

Search and Rescue of the Northern Adirondacks

PO Box 1116

Saranac Lake, NY 12983